
Industrial Carting is committed to helping customers understand the importance of waste reduction and a circular economy.  Our deep experience in recycling enables us to support customers in better understanding and their waste streams and tracking environmental success.

Our customers’ success is our success!  Over the past three years, Industrial Carting diverted 40% of the waste collected from our customers to become raw materials for other products. Industrial Carting looks forward to increasing this diversion rate as we expand and leverage partnerships with premier sustainability companies.

Our 3 Year Diversion Rate
40 %
of our total waste collected is recycled. (That's good!)

Our Suite of Zero Waste Services

Achieving your zero waste goals requires a sound plan. Understanding what your business disposes is crucial to achieving your goals and creating organizational buy-in, support and participation.  We help you assess your current position and design solutions to reduce and responsibly manage the waste your organization produces.
Waste Survey

Our trained staff will measure your waste and recyclables by volume or weight. The goal of each survey is to assist customers in clearly understanding the amount of waste generated to provide transparency. 

Waste Audit

Weight assessment of all waste streams performed by independent third-party. 

Zero Waste Characterization Study

Comprehensive study of all waste streams resulting in recommendations to increase waste diversion to support zero waste goals. Fee for service.

Zero Waste Annual Report

Year-end summary based on customer’s actual usage calculating diversion rate and environmental impact. Fee for service. 

Our Sustainability Partners

Under Commercial Waste Zoning, Industrial Carting will leverage partnerships with premier sustainability companies in the Brookyn area.  Our list of well-vetted industry leaders, support Industrial Carting’s efforts to educate our customers and increase recycling to support a circular economy.  


Emerson Recycling Corp

As Industrial Carting’s sister company, Emerson Recycling operates a registered recycling facility in Brooklyn West.  Cardboard, paper and textiles collected from our customers are recycled at this facility. Our proximity enables efficient access to customers, timely service and cost-effective pricing all while minimizing environmental impact.



Sims Municipal Recycling
Sims Municipal Recycling

Sims Municipal Recycling is Industrial Carting’s processor for mixed recycling, including metal, glass and plastics.  From their state of the art Sunset Park waterfront facility, Sims processes more than 200,000 tons of MGP that New Yorkers put into their recycling bins each year.




Hodge Organics

Hodge Organics and Industrial Carting will collect organics from small restaurants and grocers across the Brooklyn West area to close the loop on food waste.  Food brought to regional farms for composting, in addition customers provided detailed reports on their organics diversion.

CHiPS Logo

As part of Industrial Carting’s food recovery program, CHIPS, a local food pantry, will receive excess edible food from local businesses.  CHIPS mission is to eliminate food insecurity within our community.  We look forward to supporting this mission by increasing waste diversion of edible food within the waste stream.


Common Grounds Tight
Common Ground Compost

Common Ground is Industrial Carting’s zero waste services partner providing third party waste auditing and zero waste characterization studies.  As well regarded zero waste experts in program design, staff training and education, they are able to identify opportunities to reduce waste and save money.



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South Brooklyn Mutual Aid

As part of Industrial Carting’s food recovery program, South Brooklyn Mutual Aid, will provide volunteers to rescue and transport excess edible food from local business to food pantries and their network of community refrigerators.  We look forward to supporting this network by increasing waste diversion of edible food within the waste stream.

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